Amrop Insights

Amrop-ET India's Best Boards

The Case for Sustainable Board Evaluation

Today’s emphasis on wise (ethical and sustainable) business practice raises questions surrounding the current approach to board evaluation. To what extent is it supporting ‘sustainable Board governance’?

Board Evaluation – A Shareholder’s Guide

Supervisory and Executive Boards must act in the interests of their shareholders. Not exclusively, but sustainably. How can the owners of a company go about evaluating their highest representatives and their achievements? On what criteria should Boards expect to be evaluated, and self-evaluate?

Are Boards Ready for Digital Disruption? – Digitization on Boards

The pressures surrounding digital disruption and security are intensifying. And the digitization debate is gathering pace. Yet when it comes to exactly how organizations are addressing digitization, the picture remains fragmented and multiple questions surround its role.

The Challenging Role of Chairs

In many countries, the role of the Chair is evolving. In all organizations, it is vital. Today there’s no shortage of prescriptions. But behind the guidelines, the task is filled with challenges. Amrop’s Global Board Practice uncovers nine of them.

Joining a Storm-hit Crew - Tips for Managing the Executive's Onboarding

Surprising though it may seem at the current time, senior executives are continuing to accept job offers, and are getting to sit in their new chairs for the first time. This said, they’re more likely to be occupying their old chairs at home, preparing meals and homeschooling the kids. How can we manage onboarding in these circumstances?

Covid-19: 10 steps to managing uncertainty

At Amrop, we believe that every problem contains a hidden opportunity. In times of difficulty, the way you treat your employees, clients, investors, business partners and suppliers is critical. It will be reflected in their loyalty and the quality of your relationships after the situation has passed. And this situation will, ultimately, pass.

Self Isolation - Letting the Light into the Room

Are you or your staff in isolation? As the coronavirus escalates, let’s take a look at what being grounded might be doing to your mood, and how to lighten the mental load.